Robert Hicks left New York City during the pandemic, but returned in spring 2023. He was living in a shelter and struggling to find work. He began working three-days each week, but he was seeking a full-time job, so he registered at GoodTemps to get assistance.

The GoodTemps team assessed his skills and career interests. “I am quiet by nature, but the GoodTemps team helped me gain the confidence to ask questions during interviews to choose the best job,” said Robert. Soon, GoodTemps assigned him to a Junior Administrative Assistant temporary position at the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) on July 25 2023. In this position, Robert assisted clients with their concerns via email. “My behavior health goal is to maintain a positive attitude in my personal life and work.” Robert was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD,) and schizophrenia.
Thanks to his commitment and determination to succeed, DCAS hired Robert permanently on December 2023 after he completed his temporary assignment. Today, he rents a room in Brooklyn that gives him independence and a peaceful life after work. “My goal is to continue to climb the ladder within the city of New York,” said Robert.
GoodTemps, Goodwill NYNJ’s non-profit staffing agency, matches top talent to competitive employment at every business level. Goodwill NYNJ partners with the New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) to ensure that people with disabilities are included in the workforce. GoodTemps places US Veterans, people with disabilities and other barriers to employment in long- and short-term positions across the five NYC boroughs, Long Island, Albany, Westchester, and Northern New Jersey. GoodTemps candidates work as analyst, laborers, legal and computer support, accounting/billing, administrative, data entry, warehouse staff, and more.
If you’d like to apply to register with GoodTemps, please send your resume to or call 212-986-9566.
Story submitted by the GoodTemps team:
Lilia Kuksina, Placement Coordinator.
Van Miles,AVP, Business Development, Partnerships & Talent Experience.
Derick Bowers, EVP, Business Services/Executive Director