November 5, 2018
Contact: Jose Medellin | jmedellin@goodwillnynj.org | (646) 238-9133 mobile
Goodwill® Industries of Greater NY and Northern NJ Has Collected Nearly 863,000 Lbs. of Textiles During the 6-Year Partnership with the NYC Dept. of Sanitation and New York Road Runners to Support Creating Jobs in NY and NJ
New York, NY – Nov. 5, 2018 – Goodwill® Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, Inc. (Goodwill NYNJ) collected more than 91,000 lbs. of sportswear and other textiles that runners shed at the start line of the iconic 2018 TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 4. Goodwill NYNJ has collected nearly 863,000 lbs. of textiles during the 6-year partnership with the New York City Department of Sanitation and the New York Road Runners. The clothing will be sold at 37 Goodwill stores in the New York City Metropolitan Area to support the mission of Goodwill NYNJ of empowering individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment to gain independence through the power of work.
Katy Gaul-Stigge, Goodwill NYNJ CEO/President, said: “We ensure that the thousands of pounds of usable clothing do not go into the landfill, but rather in our 37 stores to support our mission. Goodwill NYNJ creates jobs. Last year, we hired or developed job options for 4,000 people, including more than 1,300 individuals with disabilities. We walk the walk, 1 in 7 of our employees is a person with disabilities. I really had a great day on Sunday volunteering with my Goodwill NYNJ colleagues and friends, who joined us to help re-purpose textiles to benefit thousands of New Yorkers.”
“Supporting the dedicated team at Goodwill NYNJ as they help those less fortunate than ourselves made it my pleasure to run to raise funds for this great cause to support their mission!” said Jonathan Sheppard, President & CEO of J. Sheppard Associates/DayBreak Legal Staffing. Mr. Sheppard learned about the mission of Goodwill NYNJ from Tom Renart, a former colleague and current Executive Vice President, Mission Services for Goodwill NYNJ.
“Goodwill NYNJ creates jobs and helps to find a home for clothing that would otherwise end up in landfills. Their efforts at the New York City marathon push these important initiatives forward on the world stage. I have run three times in the NYC Marathon, but it was an honor to run for the first time as a Goodwill NYNJ team member this year,” said Devin James Gilmartin, President and Creative Director, Querencia Studio.
More than 200 volunteers participated in the annual collection event. The textiles collected will support Goodwill NYNJ’s broad human services programs, which will serve over 30,000 people this year. These include providing unlimited job coaching and full-time and temporary job placements for individuals with disabilities and other barriers; digital skills training; and primary care at the Goodwill NYNJ Health and Wellness Center, clubhouses and other supportive programs for people with psychiatric disabilities.
Goodwill NYNJ also collects textiles at the United Airlines NYC Half and the Popular Brooklyn Half in addition to the TCS NYC Marathon.
About Goodwill NYNJ:
Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, Inc. (Goodwill NYNJ) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates 37 retail stores throughout the region powered by donations of clothing and household items. Goodwill NYNJ translates those donations into workforce development services for people with disabilities and the unemployed. For over 103 years, the agency’s mission has been to empower individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment to gain independence through the power of work. Annually, Goodwill NYNJ provides services to thousands of New York City Metropolitan Area residents – in workforce development, services for individuals with disabilities and retail training leading to employment to build better lives for participants and their families. Learn more about Goodwill NYNJ at http://goodwillnynj.org; follow us on Twitter: @GoodwillNYNJ; and find us on Facebook or Instagram: GoodwillNYNJ.