Ed O’Donnell is elected to AGNY board
Edmund O’Donnell, Goodwill NYNJ Sr. Vice President of Employment Services for Individuals with Disabilities, has been elected to the Board of AGNY (Advance of Greater New York). AGNY has 70+ member organizations serving 10,000 individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) in the Greater New York City area. AGNY is part of Advance Care Alliance (ACA), a Care Coordination Organization/Health Home that provides residential, day, employment, respite and recreational services to 25,000 people with I/DD and their families in New York City, Long Island, and the Lower Hudson Valley.
Ed joined Goodwill NYNJ as a case manager for individuals with developmental disabilities 33 years ago. Later, he supervised services for individuals with other disabilities. Ed was instrumental in launching our first Supported Employment program in 1988. He expanded our Supported Employment into a series of Assisted Competitive Employment programs for individuals with psychiatric disabilities in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. Later, he developed other programs for individuals with developmental disabilities including our Supported Employment Program, Pre-vocational services, Day Habilitation, Community Habilitation, Family Reimbursement, and Respite. In 2006, he led efforts to start our Advance autism programs. In 2017, Ed began overseeing GoodTemps, our temporary staffing division.
Congratulations Ed!