Ask Cafe Anne: What Happens To My Goodwill Donation?

In a recent publication of Cafe Anne, a weekly newsletter with a focus on New York City, a reader asks Anne what exactly happens when you donate to Goodwill. Anne speaks with Goodwill NY/NJ’s Executive VP of Donated Goods, Ilana Zimmerman, and finds out what kinds of items get listed online, which ones end up […]
Goodwill NYNJ opens new store & donation center in Middletown, NY

Goodwill Industries® of Greater NY and Northern NJ will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony on 9/6 to highlight how its Middletown, NY location brings job opportunities, helps local residents donate and reuse, and opens just in time for the Back to School season becoming the sustainable fashion family destination Middletown, NY – August 12, 2022 – […]
Goodwill store re-opening information

Starting May 19, three New Jersey Goodwill NYNJ stores will open for contactless donation drop-offs Tuesdays – Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stores will not be open for shopping. Signage at the locations will indicate how to safely make a contactless donation. The Goodwill NYNJ locations are: East Brunswick Store: 415 Highway 18, 08816 Pequannock Store: 561 […]
Triple F.A.T Goose Donates New Merchandise to Support the Goodwill NYNJ Mission

Triple F.A.T. Goose has donated brand-new clothing to Goodwill NYNJ. All merchandise will be sold at NYC Goodwill stores to support our mission of empowering individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment to gain independence through the power of work. Triple F.A.T. Goose specializes in manufacturing jackets for the entire family. Because Goodwill NYNJ is […]
Goodwill Launches Mobile Collection Pilot in the Upper East Side

Starting November 1, 2016, Goodwill® NYNJ will test a pilot program to collect donations outside subway stations at Manhattan’s Upper East Side every morning from 6 to 9 a.m. Residents may drop off clothing, shoes, accessories and small household items. They will be given a QR code to get a tax receipt for their donation. Goodwill […]
Donate Your Unwanted Gift Cards to Support Goodwill NYNJ Services

Goodwill NYNJ has teamed up with Raise Marketplace to collect your unwanted gift cards! Have you ever received a gift card for your birthday that you never used or have you found a gift card that has been sitting in your drawer forever? Starting on Monday, August 1, Goodwill® NYNJ will accept donations of unwanted gift cards and […]
Goodwill Collects Runners’ Cast-offs at the United Airlines Half Marathon

On Sunday, March 20, Goodwill NYNJ participated in this year’s United Airlines Half Marathon to collect the clothing that athletes leave at the start line or throughout the route. More than 20 thousand runners took to the streets of Manhattan to participate in the sporting event. Our volunteers picked up 31 thousand pounds of sportswear. […]